Monday, March 12, 2012

A Little Worse for the Wear

To paraphrase Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “This has been a difficult and complex week at 1252 Ellis Hollow Rd.”  I apologize for not communicating, but normal functioning has been mostly impossible.  When we left Johns Hopkins Dr. Rigamonti’s P.A. gave us the impression that if side effects occurred, it would be 3-4 weeks down the road.  We have found this not to be the case.  I thought it was because I was precocious but that myth has also been dispelled.  Today, we talked to Ron, our radiation oncologist’s nurse.  He was surprised that we had not been told that the intense symptoms I have been experiencing are well within the norm.  Great.

Ed did all the driving home on Wednesday.  I was too wiped out to help.  I had some functional time on Thursday, taking a walk with Ed, before giving in to intense fatigue.  I was optimistic on Friday and drove downtown for lunch with friends.  By the time I arrived home soon after 4:00, I didn’t even attempt to thread the car into the garage.  Ed helped me into bed with the assumption that I would feel better after resting.

Wrong!  It was the beginning of a tsunami of nausea and disequilibrium that lasted until Sunday morning.  As my father used to say, I was so sick I had to get better to die.  We were able to reach the Johns Hopkins, chief resident on call, on Saturday and eventually filled a Rx for steroids which I started at noon.  Sarah spent the weekend with us and she and Ed helped me with everything since I could barely move and certainly not unaided.  Buddy too has not left my side, periodically whining his worry. 

Sunday and today have been less intensely difficult but most normal life is on hold.  My friend Helen came over today to “watch” me while Ed went out to do some errands.  Still, being able to type this means I must be getting better so perhaps by tomorrow I can be left alone for some time.  If I have not improved significantly we will up the steroid level a bit.  It seems as if my body is doing an excellent job of coming to the rescue of a seriously radiated and damaged tumor, causing swelling and havoc in my head.  So in some ways we are right on track, just a little worse for the wear.

Thank you for all your caring thoughts and healing wishes.  I am looking forward to being able to answer and see you soon.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. What an ordeal, Karen. Glad you are surrounded by such capable and loving people.

