Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Colorado "Rocky"

On Sunday afternoon, Sarah and I arrived in Highlands Ranch, CO. to visit my parents, traveling on  reservations made long before I knew I would need treatment.  For the past four and a half weeks, this trip has been my distant if somewhat doubtful goal.  The day before leaving home I walked two miles with Ed, Buddy's leash in my hand, instead of my walking poles.  I knew that if I could do that, I could wheel my small red duffel through the Detroit light tunnel with Sarah and make it to our connecting flight. 

It has been a challenging month.  Once the acute reaction was brought under control by steroids, satisfying progress was elusive.  Ed could see me getting stronger and doing more, but from the inside out, disequilibrium, fatigue, and swollen head symptoms are discouraging and unrelenting.  I have focused on appreciating everything I could do but the promise of temporary is hard to trust when it seems unyielding.  Finally, despite unappealing side effects, I took the advice of my Hopkins P.A., upped my steroid level from very low to low, and magic - I'm still wobbly but I'm wobbly in Colorado!

Traveling to visit my parents has been Sarah's spring break ritual since she started college.  It is wonderful that she loves to do it and Ed and I used to join her in Phoenix.  Since Bill and Elaine moved to the Denver area 2 1/2 years ago, just Sarah and I have made the trip together.  Their senior living apartment is much smaller than their house and can only really accommodate two at a time.  Visiting with Sarah is a special treat and being able to be here together is a joy.

I thank you for thinking of me, asking how I am doing, and having the patience to remain patient with me while I recover.

With love,