Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Casowasco Bound

During the first six weeks of being sick I canceled my November reservation for Casowasco.  Given how I felt, I could not picture being there.  Casowasco has become a magical place for many of my quilting friends and me.  Imagine, 25 women with their sewing machines, fabrics and fibers, creating, eating, visiting and being together in a beautiful setting by the lake for three uninterrupted days.  It may not be everyone’s idea of a good time but it is sweet for me.  Formerly an estate owned by the Case family on Owasco Lake, the Methodist Church has owned it for many decades and runs it as a summer camp and retreat center.  I have been spending two weekends a year there for ten years. Not going was disappointing but compared to everything else that was going on, it was small potatoes.  I gave it up because I figured I would be pre or post surgery or radiation at the beginning of November.  So much for my plans . . .

One of the first things I did, after the Johns Hopkins doctors convinced us to go home and watch and wait, was to sign back up for the November Casowasco weekend.  It was part of changing my perspective from acute to chronic.  Spending time with friends, even in my somewhat impaired state, seemed essential to accepting and integrating the new normal.  Although I still feel plenty “symptomatic” I am doing much better.  The petite brain tumor is undoubtedly still there but lots of things seem to be helping.  Weekly acupuncture, chiropractor, vestibular PT, daily walking, Chinese herbs, and my brain readjusting itself all seem to be working.  I am very grateful to be able to do much of my life more easily than I could for the first couple of months.  I never feel “fine” but better is way more manageable. 

I am packed and ready to go tomorrow morning.  Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend.  Talk to you when I get back.

With love,