Monday, December 13, 2010

My Trusty Little Brain

Much to my surprise and relief, I continue to feel better.  My balance is almost fully restored, my head no longer feels like a pressure cooker, and the constant fatigue has greatly diminished.  I am incredibly grateful that the adaptability of my trusty little brain has allowed me to reenter much of my normal life.  If I pay attention to not overbooking myself, (when I run out of steam, I feel pretty useless) I am good. 
Dr. “Macaroni”, my Johns Hopkins guy, has recommended the next MRI be scheduled at the end of January.  That will be four months from the first citing and help us ascertain whether the tumor is the same, growing, or shrinking (yeah right).  Once we have that information, we can make another decision, whatever that might be.  For now, watch and wait has turned out to be a good deal.  I feel very lucky.
Happy Holidays to everyone.  May many blessings be yours.
With love,